X-ray Computed Tomography: A New Technique for Spray Dried Dispersion

X-ray Computed Tomography: A New Technique for Spray Dried Dispersion

The Pharma Lab Show · 2022-02-17

Spray drying has become one of the go-to techniques for the manufacture of amorphous dispersions and inhalable formulations due to the ability to control solvent content, morphology, size, and density of the resulting particulates in the dried powder.
X-ray computed tomography is a new technique for this spray dried dispersion application.
Peter Oberta, Managing Director at Rigaku, co-authored the study on this new approach and he joins the show to explain everything you need to know.
We discuss:
- The advantages of using this technique
- How to control particle size, morphology, and density using x-ray CT
- How much sample preparation is necessary for x-ray CT
- The qualitative results of the study
- The resolution that can be achieved with x-ray CT
- The data treatment required to complete the analysis
Mentioned during the podcast:
- Characterization of the Morphological Nature of Hollow Spray Dried Dispersion Particles Using X-ray Submicron-Computed Tomography
- X-Ray CT Imaging
- DigiM
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