Mixtures and Standards

Mixtures and Standards

The Pharma Lab Show · 2022-07-14

Today, we take a different approach on the Pharma Lab show. There are a lot of challenges when it comes to making mixture standards for solid state analytical methods. Simon conducts a live episode where he discusses the different approaches and how to evaluate them.
Join us as we discuss:
Requirements for the ideal solid state mixture standards
Laboratory mixed standards are usually the largest source of error in a method
How to evaluate sources of error from measurement apparatus and sample
Standardless methods and component analysis.

Follow along with the video here: https://pharma.rigaku.com/insights/pharma-lab-show-mixtures-and-standards
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The Pharma Lab Show

The Pharma Lab Show is a podcast exploring the technologies, analysis, and innovation that goes into bringing the pharmaceuticals that allow humanity to live longer, fuller, healthier lives.
Each episode features interviews with industry leaders and experts who share how they are working tirelessly to bring these life-changing products into the world.

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