How Far Are We From 3D Printing Personalized Medicine?

How Far Are We From 3D Printing Personalized Medicine?

The Pharma Lab Show · 2022-06-30

How far is the Pharmaceutical 3D Printing Revolution? In this episode, Simon speaks with Professor Mo Maniruzzaman, Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery, The University of Texas at Austin.
They speak about:
How he became passionate about 3D printing
How far are we from personalized medicine through 3D printing?
How will Personalized “Pill Printing” evolve as the industry grows

The Pharma Lab Show

The Pharma Lab Show is a podcast exploring the technologies, analysis, and innovation that goes into bringing the pharmaceuticals that allow humanity to live longer, fuller, healthier lives.
Each episode features interviews with industry leaders and experts who share how they are working tirelessly to bring these life-changing products into the world.

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