The Powerful Benefits of Pairwise Distribution Function

The Powerful Benefits of Pairwise Distribution Function

The Pharma Lab Show · 2021-08-24

Pairwise distribution function (PDF) can be a very useful tool for pharmaceutical professionals, especially when characterizing active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Using PDF approaches you can confirm — and even solve — the molecular structure itself of new materials that we haven’t been able to properly analyze up until now.

In this episode, Simon Bates, VP of Science and Technology at Rigaku, shares why PDF and total diffraction combined together are so powerful in confirming molecular structures and why they are opening the door to new materials in pharmaceutics.

We discuss:

- The uses for PDF

- The challenges of total diffraction and PDF

- Keeping track of advances in PDF approaches

Check out these resources we mentioned during the podcast:

- The Collected Papers of Peter J.W. Debye

- Underneath the Bragg Peaks: Structural Analysis of Complex Materials by Takeshi Egami

- International Tables for Crystallography: Volume H, Powder Diffraction

- Pharmalytical Summit 2021

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The Pharma Lab Show

The Pharma Lab Show is a podcast exploring the technologies, analysis, and innovation that goes into bringing the pharmaceuticals that allow humanity to live longer, fuller, healthier lives.
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