54: SOTS: Harland Williams, Tony Baker, Annie Lederman, Matt Braunger & Jeremiah Watkins | Ep 54

54: SOTS: Harland Williams, Tony Baker, Annie Lederman, Matt Braunger & Jeremiah Watkins | Ep 54

Stand-Up On The Spot · 2024-07-30

Stand-Up On The Spot! Featuring completely improvised sets from Harland Williams, Tony Baker, Annie Lederman, Matt Braunger & Jeremiah Watkins. No material. Comedians create Stand-Up On The Spot off audience suggestions. You know Harland Williams from Kill Tony, The Harland Highway, Half Baked, and you know Tony Baker from Daddy Issues Podcast, his special Scaredy Cat, Annie Lederman you know from Anniewood, Trash Tuesday, Matt Braunger from his special Doug and Comedy Central & Jeremiah Watkins you know from Trailer Tales, Dr. Phil LIVE, and his special DADDY.
This episode covers everything from Ozempic to Kazakhstan, Whales, Hunter Biden, The Little Mermaid, Naked Ghosts & more!
#1HourSpecial #StandupComedy #HarlandWilliams #TonyBaker #AnnieLederman #MattBraunger #StandUpOnTheSpot #CrowdWork #JeremiahWatkins #Improv

Follow the Comedians!
Jeremiah Watkins @jeremiahwatkins @TrailerTalesPod https://www.instagram.com/jeremiahstandup
Harland Williams @whitneycummings @HarlandHighwayPodcast https://www.instagram.com/harlandwilliams
Tony Baker @TrevorWallace @TonyBakercomedy https://www.instagram.com/tonybaker
Annie Lederman @annielederman https://www.instagram.com/annielederman
Stand-Up On The Spot https://www.instagram.com/standupots

Interested in sponsoring the show? Email standupots@gmail.com for inquiries

Stand-Up On The Spot

Comedians go up with no prepared material, ask for audience suggestions, and create Stand-Up On The Spot. Hosted by Jeremiah Watkins. Watch the series on Youtube.

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