SOTS: Ralph Barbosa, Jordan Jensen, Rick Glassman, Jetski Johnson, Erik Griffin & J Watkins | Ep 66

SOTS: Ralph Barbosa, Jordan Jensen, Rick Glassman, Jetski Johnson, Erik Griffin & J Watkins | Ep 66

Stand-Up On The Spot · 2025-01-20

Stand-Up On The Spot in the Main Room of The Comedy Store! Featuring completely improvised sets from Ralph Barbosa, Jordan Jensen, Rick Glassman, Jetski Johnson, Erik Griffin & Jeremiah Watkins. No material. Comedians create Stand-Up On The Spot off audience suggestions. Everything is covered from Organic Panties to Sister Wives of Atalanta, Entourage, takeovers & more! Jeremiah Watkins you know from Trailer Tales, Dr. Phil Live, his special DADDY, and as the host and creator of Stand-Up On The Spot. Ralph Barbosa you know from his Netflix Special Cowabunga and his new Fat Fish podcast. Jordan Jensen has a podcast with Ian Fidance Bein Ian with Jordan and you can watch her special 30 Minutes with Jordan Jensen. Rick Glassman is host of the Take Your Shoes Off Podcast, is a critically acclaimed actor and basketball player. Jetski Johnson you know from Bad Friends and Kill Tony. Erik Griffin is the host of Riffin with Griffin and The Golden Hour and has directed all of Matt Rife's Netflix specials. Follow the Comedians! Jeremiah Watkins @jeremiahwatkins @TrailerTalesPod @standupots Ralph Barbosa @ralphbarbosa03 @TheFatFishPodcast Jordan Jensen @jordanjensenlolstop @BeinIanPod Rick Glassman @rickglassman Jessie "Jetski" Johnson @jetskijohnson637 Erik Griffin @RiffinWithGriffin Stand-Up On The Spot @standupots Sponsored by: Blue Chew Get BlueChew for free with code SPOT at Sponsored by: PrizePicks Support the show and download the PrizePicks app today. Use code SPOT to get $50 instantly after you play your first $5 lineup at Interested in sponsoring the show? Email for inquiries SOTS: Ralph Barbosa, Jordan Jensen, Rick Glassman, Jetski Johnson, Erik Griffin & J Watkins | Ep 66 #1HourSpecial #StandupComedy #RalphBarbosa #JordanJensen #RickGlassman #JetskiJohnson #Erik Griffin #StandUpOnTheSpot #SOTS #Jeremiah Watkins #CrowdWork

Stand-Up On The Spot

Comedians go up with no prepared material, ask for audience suggestions, and create Stand-Up On The Spot. Hosted by Jeremiah Watkins. Watch the series on Youtube.

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