E Venture Cast: back up in Mackinaw!

E Venture Cast: back up in Mackinaw!

E Venture Cast · 2024-04-13

If you are hearing this sorry Amy is not here but we had some island problems and it's just me today haha hope you enjoy anyway. I talk about finally moving back up to Mackinac Island and how excited I am for the new year.

E Venture Cast

The E Venture Cast is a show that follows me Eric Fadie as I travel around the country and world looking to add as many fun experiences as I can to my life's adventure list before...well you know I also have my long time buddy Amy as a co-host who's main job is to steer my ramblings and run on sentences into a listenable podcast

In previous seasons I went on a cross country comedy road trip with the goal of performing stand up comedy in all 50 states in the same year, worked with horses on the world famous carless Mackinac Island and there is much more to come for future seasons.

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E Venture Cast: Martinsville Speedway here I come

E Venture Cast: Martinsville Speedway here I come


as I wrap up the last of my free episodes for the year i am sad to be home from Mackinac Island but already onto my next venture. I head out of state for the first time in 12 years to see an out of state NASCAR race and what's the deal with flat earthers??

E Venture Cast last episode from Mackinac Island for 2024

E Venture Cast last episode from Mackinac Island for 2024


I cannot believe how fast time has flown but here we are. This is the last episode i will record on Mackinac Island this year. I wrap up my second amazing season working here but look forward to time home and returning next year.

Already missing the horses

Already missing the horses


as the season starts to wind down it is very bittersweet. I am happy to get home and see my family but legit already misising the island and excited for next year.

E Venture Cast:  meet my other solider friend Clay

E Venture Cast: meet my other solider friend Clay


on this week's episode I sit down and talk to another one of my housemates Cay. We talk about his love of history, how a southern kid who never heard of Mackinac Island before went about working as an interpretive solider here and much more.

E Venture Cast  Biker gang

E Venture Cast Biker gang


in this episode we talk about bike gangs and the mafia, the Lions big win, and how my obsession of this island somehow keeps growing and i can not believe how fast the season is going again.

E Venture Cast:  Mackinac Island has talent finals

E Venture Cast: Mackinac Island has talent finals


in this episode, we talk about my Mackinac Island's got talent performance, me legit driving the dray down main street and more.

E Venture Cast:  Tomorrowland !!!

E Venture Cast: Tomorrowland !!!


after 8 years i finally got to live out a dream and go to the music festival Tomorrowland. It was an absolutely one of the best times I have ever had. I also went to Paris for the Olympics and Amy and I talk about it all on this weeks episode.

E Venture Cast: covid episode

E Venture Cast: covid episode


In this week's episode, I talk about catching covid on my trip.

E Venture Cast Tomorrwland here i come

E Venture Cast Tomorrwland here i come


on this week's episode, I talk about trying to hang with some younger kids drinking on the porch which led to one of my biggest hangovers in years, getting to go up and have a sweet airplane ride over the island beach bonfire, getting my picture in the paper and more!

E Venture Cast  Mackinac Island has talent

E Venture Cast Mackinac Island has talent


a real jam-packed episode where i answer some questions about the island that came up in the last episode, i legitimately drive the horses by myself downtown, and my parents come up to watch Mackinac Island has talent.

E Venture Cast six rough days

E Venture Cast six rough days


on this week's episode we talk about me going through maybe my worst 6 day period i have experienced on the island even going back to last year, more kickball trouble, the hawk tuah girl and more

E Venture Cast Kaylee's big visit

E Venture Cast Kaylee's big visit


in this week's episode we talk about my niece visiting the island, me getting better at driving horses, go through my Mackinac Island has talent set and more

E Venture Cast:  Meet my solder friend

E Venture Cast: Meet my solder friend


on this episode, I finally have my special guest who is a soldier/ interpreter in the fort. We talk about my definitely not weird friendship with someone half my age, tell some funny Christian stories, and get into how he came to work on Mackinac Island and what the hiring process was like.

E Venture Cast Horses Day Eve

E Venture Cast Horses Day Eve


on this week's episode, we talk about how once again I can not believe ow fast time is flying, I am getting the horses tomorrow, the house is filling up and I am starting to test out my Mackinac Island has talent set.

E Venture Cast week two in the books

E Venture Cast week two in the books


In this week's episode we talk about my being on the island for two whole weeks, going to the spring play Amy's big night out and more.

E Venture Cast: back up in Mackinaw!

E Venture Cast: back up in Mackinaw!


If you are hearing this sorry Amy is not here but we had some island problems and it's just me today haha hope you enjoy anyway. I talk about finally moving back up to Mackinac Island and how excited I am for the new year.

E Venture Cast: Hello Mrs. Fadie part 2

E Venture Cast: Hello Mrs. Fadie part 2


this week's episode is a sample segment from the Patreon exclusive part two of my interview with my mom talking about growing up owning a video store.

E Venture Cast Amy's Back

E Venture Cast Amy's Back


It seems like it has been forever but my partner in crime and co-host Amy is back at it with me.

We talk about our time off, the new Patreon, and plans for the new season!

E Venture Cast: Hello Mrs. Fadie

E Venture Cast: Hello Mrs. Fadie


I finally sit down and talk to my mom about the sometimes hinted at but rarely talked about time when my family owned a small video store.

Viva Las Vegas!

Viva Las Vegas!


A new season comes with a new name and a new logo. I decided to do something very different for the first episode of the new show and have a special guest on to talk about a wild life adventure of his own. I open the season by interviewing my dad about a time in his younger days when he hitchhiked out to Las Vegas to work during his senior year of high school. I have always been interested but never delved too much into it and this seemed like the perfect time.