Viva Las Vegas!

Viva Las Vegas!

E Venture Cast · 2024-03-02

A new season comes with a new name and a new logo. I decided to do something very different for the first episode of the new show and have a special guest on to talk about a wild life adventure of his own. I open the season by interviewing my dad about a time in his younger days when he hitchhiked out to Las Vegas to work during his senior year of high school. I have always been interested but never delved too much into it and this seemed like the perfect time.

E Venture Cast

The E Venture Cast is a show that follows me Eric Fadie as I travel around the country and world looking to add as many fun experiences as I can to my life's adventure list before...well you know I also have my long time buddy Amy as a co-host who's main job is to steer my ramblings and run on sentences into a listenable podcast

In previous seasons I went on a cross country comedy road trip with the goal of performing stand up comedy in all 50 states in the same year, worked with horses on the world famous carless Mackinac Island and there is much more to come for future seasons.

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