84. How to be a more creative client.

84. How to be a more creative client.

The Clienting Podcast · 2024-01-24

Can someone who’s not particularly creative learn to become creative? Yes. It’s possible. Maybe not overnight. And maybe not in crazy-dramatic ways. However, I believe that creativity is something that anyone can build if they have the right attitude and the right approach. This podcast contains 11 things you can do — 11 tasks forContinue reading "84. How to be a more creative client."

The Clienting Podcast

Imagine if clients could get inside the heads of creative people. And impact the creative process for the better. The Clienting Podcast gives anyone who hires creative people tips and insights gleaned from three decades of working in the creative services industry. We help clients understand the rules of creative engagement and give them the tools to strengthen their relationship with creative service firms and make the work better.

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