When They Take the Abuser’s Side - Childhood Trauma Work

When They Take the Abuser’s Side - Childhood Trauma Work

Our Whole Childhood with Patrick Teahan · 2023-09-08

If you’ve ever felt betrayed by family by having them side with abusive people over you - this episode is going to be helpful.

In this episode, I will be going over:

⦁Describing the problem.
⦁Giving Concrete specific examples of when abusive parents side with abusers
⦁How it affects us emotionally as well as discuss triggers
⦁How to process or work through it when it’s happening.

Join me for Episode 8 where we explore "When They Take the Abuser’s Side - Childhood Trauma Work"

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Our Whole Childhood with Patrick Teahan

This is "Our Whole Childhood" - hosted by Patrick Teahan - where we discuss everything childhood trauma, from the issues that we experience, to the stuff that comes up in our families, and to the healing work that we're all trying to get done. No clinical jargon—just real, personal stories of growing up with childhood trauma and the journey to healing.

Learn more at www.patrickteahantherapy.com/ 

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