LL-108: Faculty Spotlight - Dr. Axup Edition (Part 2)

LL-108: Faculty Spotlight - Dr. Axup Edition (Part 2)

Lab Lounge · 2023-01-13

In this week's episode, we talk about training dogs, soap making, and more! The number of interesting stories told by Dr. Axup is limitless!

Lab Lounge

The Lab Lounge Podcast is an independent student podcast that covers life, college, and chemistry through the eyes of two women in STEM.

New Episodes Drop Fridays at 12pm CT

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LL-111: Semester Update

LL-111: Semester Update


A short episode this week as Amber and I brainstorm more exciting topics behind the scenes for future episodes.

LL-110: Summers & Buffers

LL-110: Summers & Buffers


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LL-109: Faculty Spotlight- Dr. Axup Edition (Part 3)

LL-109: Faculty Spotlight- Dr. Axup Edition (Part 3)


In the final part of our interview we talk about the classes that Dr. Axup teaches at St. Ambrose, a little tidbit about the Chemistry and Math clubs, and the most important thing- PIZZA!

LL-108: Faculty Spotlight - Dr. Axup Edition (Part 2)

LL-108: Faculty Spotlight - Dr. Axup Edition (Part 2)


In this week's episode, we talk about training dogs, soap making, and more! The number of interesting stories told by Dr. Axup is limitless!

LL-107: Faculty Spotlight - Dr. Axup Edition (Part 1)

LL-107: Faculty Spotlight - Dr. Axup Edition (Part 1)


We have quite a few chemistry department faculty on staff here at SAU, but one of the most interesting professors we know is none other than Dr. Andy Axup! 

Split into a 3-part series, we'll dive into his academic history as well as wander through a few of his best stories.

LL-106: The Holiday Episode

LL-106: The Holiday Episode


Wishing everyone a merry Christmas and happy holidays! Be safe and stay warm! Enjoy the time you spend with your families and friends, even if they drive you crazy! Stay tuned to see what the New Year has in store for us as we take a week break and offer a wonderful three-part interview starting on January 6th!

LL-104: Flavors of Chemistry II

LL-104: Flavors of Chemistry II


This week on the Lab Lounge, it's all about education, Harry Potter, lab prep, and how to stay sane during college.

LL-103: Flavors of Chemistry

LL-103: Flavors of Chemistry


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LL-102: Thanksgiving Feast

LL-102: Thanksgiving Feast


Thanksgiving chemistry and our holiday plans!

LL-101: Intro to the Lab Lounge

LL-101: Intro to the Lab Lounge


An introduction into the Lab Lounge. What we are and the ups and downs of college life as chemistry students.
