Philippians 1:4
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Visit our website at: http:\/\/www.amylynn.org<\/a><\/p>","mediaUrl":"https:\/\/api.spreaker.com\/download\/episode\/60335416\/trigger.mp3","mediaType":"audio\/mpeg","mediaDuration":null,"mediaDurationText":null,"releaseDate":"2024-06-10","artwork":{"src":"https:\/\/is1-ssl.mzstatic.com\/image\/thumb\/Podcasts126\/v4\/42\/20\/cd\/4220cd95-5f79-b369-e431-abc3cf401bea\/mza_5590458570590905549.jpg\/1200x1200bb.jpg","srcset":["\/img\/empty.gif 10w","https:\/\/is1-ssl.mzstatic.com\/image\/thumb\/Podcasts126\/v4\/42\/20\/cd\/4220cd95-5f79-b369-e431-abc3cf401bea\/mza_5590458570590905549.jpg\/80x80bb-75.jpg 80w","https:\/\/is1-ssl.mzstatic.com\/image\/thumb\/Podcasts126\/v4\/42\/20\/cd\/4220cd95-5f79-b369-e431-abc3cf401bea\/mza_5590458570590905549.jpg\/160x160bb-75.jpg 160w","https:\/\/is1-ssl.mzstatic.com\/image\/thumb\/Podcasts126\/v4\/42\/20\/cd\/4220cd95-5f79-b369-e431-abc3cf401bea\/mza_5590458570590905549.jpg\/320x320bb-75.jpg 320w","https:\/\/is1-ssl.mzstatic.com\/image\/thumb\/Podcasts126\/v4\/42\/20\/cd\/4220cd95-5f79-b369-e431-abc3cf401bea\/mza_5590458570590905549.jpg\/640x640bb-75.jpg 640w","https:\/\/is1-ssl.mzstatic.com\/image\/thumb\/Podcasts126\/v4\/42\/20\/cd\/4220cd95-5f79-b369-e431-abc3cf401bea\/mza_5590458570590905549.jpg\/1280x1280bb-75.jpg 1280w"]},"url":"https:\/\/american-podcasts.com\/podcast\/faith-and-tech-bytes-with-amy-lynn\/triggers","guid":"https:\/\/api.spreaker.com\/episode\/60335416","podcast":{"id":"faith-and-tech-bytes-with-amy-lynn","name":"Faith and Tech Bytes with Amy Lynn","description":"
I have a unique way of looking at things and I'd like to share that view with you. I believe faith and technology have a lot in common and I can teach both at the same time during one little byte. Join me today and find out how. I'm a strong Christian and have been sharing my faith since being saved in 1993. You can read my personal testimony here: http:\/\/www.amylynn.org\/testimony<\/a> I'm a computer geek, programming since the age of seven so I have a lot of things to share. All my businesses are faith-based. My very core has always been my faith. It's why I was so excited when God gave me the guidance to do the podcast \"Faith and Tech Bytes with Amy Lynn.\"
Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels:
Visit our website at: http:\/\/www.amylynn.org<\/a><\/p>","artwork":{"src":"https:\/\/is1-ssl.mzstatic.com\/image\/thumb\/Podcasts126\/v4\/42\/20\/cd\/4220cd95-5f79-b369-e431-abc3cf401bea\/mza_5590458570590905549.jpg\/1200x1200bb.jpg","srcset":["\/img\/empty.gif 10w","https:\/\/is1-ssl.mzstatic.com\/image\/thumb\/Podcasts126\/v4\/42\/20\/cd\/4220cd95-5f79-b369-e431-abc3cf401bea\/mza_5590458570590905549.jpg\/80x80bb-75.jpg 80w","https:\/\/is1-ssl.mzstatic.com\/image\/thumb\/Podcasts126\/v4\/42\/20\/cd\/4220cd95-5f79-b369-e431-abc3cf401bea\/mza_5590458570590905549.jpg\/160x160bb-75.jpg 160w","https:\/\/is1-ssl.mzstatic.com\/image\/thumb\/Podcasts126\/v4\/42\/20\/cd\/4220cd95-5f79-b369-e431-abc3cf401bea\/mza_5590458570590905549.jpg\/320x320bb-75.jpg 320w","https:\/\/is1-ssl.mzstatic.com\/image\/thumb\/Podcasts126\/v4\/42\/20\/cd\/4220cd95-5f79-b369-e431-abc3cf401bea\/mza_5590458570590905549.jpg\/640x640bb-75.jpg 640w","https:\/\/is1-ssl.mzstatic.com\/image\/thumb\/Podcasts126\/v4\/42\/20\/cd\/4220cd95-5f79-b369-e431-abc3cf401bea\/mza_5590458570590905549.jpg\/1280x1280bb-75.jpg 1280w"]},"url":"https:\/\/american-podcasts.com\/podcast\/faith-and-tech-bytes-with-amy-lynn"}})">
You know your relationship has gotten closer when you start to discover "triggers" ON BOTH SIDES. It's a terrible thing to be triggered and even more to trigger someone else. But I have to say, that this I don't think would of ever happened if you didn't really love the person and they didn't really love you back. The key is to discuss this, not hold it inside and grow resentment. You need to keep your computer in working order to avoid "bad triggers." Get yourself a virus scanner, and or firewall today to keep things running smoothly. There are some really good free versions out there. I've used Trend Micro, and Malwarebytes to name a few.
Philippians 1:4
Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels:
Visit our website at: http://www.amylynn.org
Faith and Tech Bytes with Amy Lynn
I have a unique way of looking at things and I'd like to share that view with you. I believe faith and technology have a lot in common and I can teach both at the same time during one little byte. Join me today and find out how. I'm a strong Christian and have been sharing my faith since being saved in 1993. You can read my personal testimony here: http://www.amylynn.org/testimony I'm a computer geek, programming since the age of seven so I have a lot of things to share. All my businesses are faith-based. My very core has always been my faith. It's why I was so excited when God gave me the guidance to do the podcast "Faith and Tech Bytes with Amy Lynn."
Be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Follow to our social media channels:
Visit our website at: http://www.amylynn.org
- No. of episodes: 28
- Latest episode: 2025-03-03
- Religion & Spirituality