Torgny Segerstedt

Swedish professor and scholar

Torgny Segerstedt
Torgny Karl Segerstedt (1 November 1876 – 31 March 1945) was a Swedish professor and scholar of comparative religion, who later became editor-in-chief of the newspaper Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfartstidning. He is most remembered for his uncompromising anti-Nazi stance and his efforts to alert the Swedish public to the threat of Fascism during the 1930s. Biography. Torgny Segerstedt was born at Karlstad in Värmland County, Sweden. He was the son of the teacher and publicist Albrekt Segerstedt (1844–1894) and Fredrika Sofia Bohman (died 1884). He earned a cand.theol.
