Péter Nádas

Hungarian writer

Péter Nádas
Péter Nádas (born 14 October 1942) is a Hungarian writer, playwright, and essayist. Biography. He was born in Budapest into a Jewish family, the son of László Nádas (originally Nussbaum) and Klára Tauber. After the takeover of the Hungarian Nazis, the Arrow Cross Party on 15 October 1944, Klára Tauber escaped with her son to Bačka and Novi Sad, but returned to the capital directly before the Siege of Budapest. Péter Nádas survived the siege together with his mother in the flat of his uncle, the journalist Pál Aranyossi. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C3%A9ter_N%C3%A1das
