Jacques Castérède

French composer and pianist

Jacques Castérède (10 April 1926 – 6 April 2014) was a French composer and pianist. Life. Born in Paris, Castérède studied at Lycée Buffon. He earned his baccalauréat in elementary mathematics, then entered the Paris Conservatory in 1944 and began studying piano under Armand Ferté, composition under Tony Aubin, and analysis under Olivier Messiaen. While at the Conservatory, between 1948 and 1953 he received five first prizes (in piano, chamber music, analysis, composition, and harmony). He also won the Grand Prix de Rome in 1953 with his cantata La Boîte de Pandore (Pandora's Box). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Cast%C3%A9r%C3%A8de
