Gerhard Hoberstorfer

Swedish actor, singer and dancer (born 1963)

Gerhard Hoberstorfer
Per "Gerhard" Hoberstorfer (born 18 November 1963) is a Swedish actor, singer and dancer. Hoberstorfer grew up in Boliden and Järfälla and studied at the Dans- och cirkushögskolan in Stockholm, and Teaterhögskolan in Malmö. He sings in the band Bad Liver. He got his breakthrough in 1989 as an actor in the TV-series Flickan vid stenbänken. Hoberstorfer has worked at the Stockholms stadsteater since 1999. There, he has acted in plays like Ett drömspel, Hair, Tre systrar, Hamlet, Idioten, Fröken Julie, En midsommarnattsdröm, and HeddA Gabler.
