Freelance prospect Robbie Reeves; New POWW & AHW champs
Freelance Wrestling Academy prospect “Bricked Up” Robbie Reeves is already making waves on the local scene, including reigning as co-holder of the Defiant Pro Wrestling Tag Team Championship. The 19-year-old Reeves joins Windy City Slam Podcast for the first time to discuss his training at FWA, moving up the Freelance Wrestling card, teaming with Stone Ambrose as White Meat, how Robert “Ego” Anthony ribbed him during and after a match at Navarro Farm, how a chance meeting with a grammar school classmate opened his eyes to wrestling and more. Plus, new POWW Entertainment Champion Mason Percs and new All Heel Wrestling Champion Jordan Kross join us to react to their victories. Mike recaps POWW’s “WrestleRage 22,” All Heel Wrestling’s “Rise In Fall, We Love Wrestling’s one-year anniversary show and WWE Crown Jewel while previewing shows such as Rocket Pro Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Ventures, Ultimate Combat Gauntlet and Third Coast Wrestling.
Mike Pankow is a 25-year-plus professional journalist and wrestling superfan who covers local Chicagoland wrestling and national promotions like AEW and WWE. If there is something going on in Chicago, Mike knows about it. Enjoy "Wrestling, Chicago-Style" on The Broadcast Basement On-Demand Radio Network! Music by Jason Shaw on Get your local wrestling fix every Tuesday everywhere podcasts can be found and always at!
Windy City Slam
Wrestling, Chicago-Style