Episode 5 - Bryan Vaughan, TCC Past President & Vice President of Sales and Marketing at VTG Rail

Episode 5 - Bryan Vaughan, TCC Past President & Vice President of Sales and Marketing at VTG Rail

Traffic Club of Chicago Podcast · 2020-03-11

Bryan is an accomplished executive with diversified management experience in most aspects of sales, marketing strategy & service solutions related to the logistics and transportation industry. Before joining VTG Rail Leasing in 2016 as Regional Vice President of Sales, he’d held the role of Commercial Leader at GE Capital Rail Services for 10 years; where he was engaged in railcar leasing, financing and service solutions, in addition to 15 years of experience working with various Class I railroads managing diverse teams of sales & marketing professionals.

He’s been active with the Traffic Club of Chicago since the early 1990’s and currently holds the role of club Past President. He’s held various committee roles within the club. He’s also been involved with the Midwest Associations of Rail Shippers and is currently an executive board member.

Bryan holds an MBA from the University of Chicago and received a Bachelor of Science degree from Illinois State University. He also studied International Business Economics as an exchange student throughout Russia.

Traffic Club of Chicago Podcast

The Traffic Club of Chicago is very excited to announce that our new Podcast series has begun! This new platform will be an opportunity for members and non-members to learn from masters who are shaping the future of supply chain and logistics in an ever-changing global marketplace. Join us as we take on “hot topics” with industry leaders preparing us for the challenges that the future holds. Industry leaders will include executives of shipping and manufacturing companies, economists, entrepreneurs and technology experts, to name a few.This new series is part of our ongoing mission to supply our membership with insightful and relevant information about the industry, while using technology to grow membership and our brand awareness.If you have asked yourself how can I create more value from my membership or meet cutting edge industry leaders, this is your chance to take advantage of what the Traffic Club has to offer.

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