Episode 2 - Ken Eriksen, Senior Vice President, Head of Client Advisory and Development, and Energy and Transportation at Informa/IHS Markit

Episode 2 - Ken Eriksen, Senior Vice President, Head of Client Advisory and Development, and Energy and Transportation at Informa/IHS Markit

Traffic Club of Chicago Podcast · 2020-03-11

Mr. Eriksen is the head of the IHS Markit's IEG Vantage Client Advisory and Development, and Energy and Transportation groups. In this capacity, he directs the group's efforts in client advisory and development, risk management, consulting and events.

Since joining IEG in 2001, Mr. Eriksen led the Transportation, Industrial and Energy Services team and co-led the project consulting practice

Mr. Eriksen regularly speaks on commodity, transportation and infrastructure issues and developments and is an expert witness in the area of transportation, logistics and supply-chain matters.

Prior to joining the company, Mr. Eriksen worked for USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service as an agricultural statistician. In that capacity, he conducted national surveys and set national estimates in agriculture.

Also while at USDA, he worked for the Agricultural Marketing Service on its transportation and marketing program, conducting research and analysis on domestic and international transportation issues.

Traffic Club of Chicago Podcast

The Traffic Club of Chicago is very excited to announce that our new Podcast series has begun! This new platform will be an opportunity for members and non-members to learn from masters who are shaping the future of supply chain and logistics in an ever-changing global marketplace. Join us as we take on “hot topics” with industry leaders preparing us for the challenges that the future holds. Industry leaders will include executives of shipping and manufacturing companies, economists, entrepreneurs and technology experts, to name a few.This new series is part of our ongoing mission to supply our membership with insightful and relevant information about the industry, while using technology to grow membership and our brand awareness.If you have asked yourself how can I create more value from my membership or meet cutting edge industry leaders, this is your chance to take advantage of what the Traffic Club has to offer.

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