001. Welcome to the Material World

001. Welcome to the Material World

The NanoPod · 2020-06-23

Ever wish your house windows were actually solar panels? Ever wonder what doctors can do with soccer-ball-shaped molecules? And what's the deal with crystals. . . and plastics. . . and computer chips? 

Even if you've never asked yourself any of these questions, now is a great time to dive into the world of solids! Through materials chemistry, we can learn all about the makeup of the physical world and the evolution of modern technology. The science isn't slowing down, so let's go! 

If you're as excited about this as I am, hit subscribe so you can listen to new episodes as they come out! 

Email your thoughts, suggestions, or corrections to thenanopod@gmail.com. For transcriptions and sources visit shorturl.at/bjtuB. 

The NanoPod

Ever wish your house windows were actually solar panels? Ever wonder what doctors can do with soccer-ball-shaped molecules? And what's the deal with crystals. . . and plastics. . . and computer chips?

Even if you've never asked yourself any of these questions, now is a great time to dive into the world of solids! Through materials chemistry, we can learn all about the makeup of the physical world and the evolution of modern technology. The science isn't slowing down so let's go!

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