053 - Tatu Mute Review - Unboxing, Sound Test, and Durability Test!

053 - Tatu Mute Review - Unboxing, Sound Test, and Durability Test!

The Ian Bousfield Experience · 2024-02-14

Hey, everyone! In today's podcast, I'll be diving into a detailed review of the Tatu Mutes made in Hungary. At first glance, I was skeptical due to its lightweight and flexible design, but after putting it to the test, I was pleasantly surprised. Join me as I explore its features, sound quality, and durability in this comprehensive review.

00:00 - 01:05: First Impressions and Design

Discussing the Tatu Mute's 3D printed construction, perceived flimsiness, and initial thoughts on its style, weight, and comfort.

01:11 - 02:11: Sound Quality and Playing Test

Evaluating the Tatu Mute's sound quality, intonation, and playability through various tests, including a high register exploration.

02:20 - 03:41: Durability Test and Build Quality

Performing a durability test, dropping the Tata Mutes onto a hard floor, examining cork quality, and addressing concerns about its light and flimsy appearance.

03:58 - 06:11: Final Thoughts, Price, and Rating

Summarizing the Tatu Mute's overall performance, expressing satisfaction, discussing the retail price of €99, and providing a current rating of 94 marks out of 100.

Thanks for tuning in, and don't forget to subscribe for more reviews and musical content!https://linktr.ee/ianbousfieldofficial

The Ian Bousfield Experience

I have had the incredible privilege to experience amazing musical moments, develop my teaching and growing as a musician over my career, and I have always loved sharing what I've learnt. That is why I am so excited about the Ian Bousfield Experience - now I can share these insights with you, no matter where you are!​Welcome to the Ian Bousfield Experience! I have had the incredible privilege to experience amazing musical moments, develop my teaching and growing as a musician over my career, and I have always loved sharing what I've learnt. That is why I am so excited about the Ian Bousfield Experience - now I can share these insights with you, no matter where you are!On the Ian Bousfield Experience you will hear episodes from my What I Learned From... series, my Heroes of Pedagogy interview series, Q&A Sessions from my listeners, a mix of highlights from masterclasses, lessons and keynotes, as well as my thoughts on a broad range of topics including pedagogy, the trombone, performance and the classical music world.To listen, head to your favorite podcasting service and search for The Ian Bousfield Experience. Leave a review on iTunes and let me know what you think!

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