Anna Erickson

Anna Erickson

The Coefficient Life · 2022-02-02

Nuclear proliferation is a key topic when it comes to nuclear safety and living in a world of nuclear power and weapons. Join our chat with MIT grad and Director of the DOE National Nuclear Security Administrations Consortium for Enabling Technologies and Innovation, Anna Erickson as we discuss things that keep us safe in a nuclear world.

The Coefficient Life

Welcome to the Coefficient Life.
Former MIT Nuclear Engineer, Health Physics, Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Medicine expert Kenneth Brooks Ph.D, DABR and entrepreneur and scientific layman, Anthony Salamon, discuss the future of nuclear energy, fuel, medicine and more in a way that makes it accessible to both scientific professionals and those who don‘t know their fusion from their fission. With the help of expert guests,the pair discuss advances in medical treatments, energy and power and everything else that nuclear science has to offer.Be ready for the nuclear future and join us for The Coefficient Life!

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