619 - Cameron Shayne (Martial Arts Expert & Awesome Dude)

619 - Cameron Shayne (Martial Arts Expert & Awesome Dude)

Tangentially Speaking with Christopher Ryan · 2024-08-05
This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit chrisryan.substack.com

Cameron Shayne is considered the father of the Mixed Movement Arts culture. Cameron pioneered the phrase and concept of Budokon Mixed Movement Arts in 2001 by combining the combat arts of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts together with Yoga, Crawling Patterns, Mobility, Calisthenics, and Cognitive Studies into a single black belt system known as Budokon (BU warrior, DO way, KON spirit). Based in Los Angeles, CA, during the 90's, Cameron established himself as one of the pioneering voices and transmitters of contemporary yoga, martial arts and the movement culture. Cameron and his wife Melayne are close friends of ours, having hosted our annual retreat for the past few years at their fantastic compound outside Whitefish, Montana.

Tangentially Speaking with Christopher Ryan

Tangentially Speaking is dedicated to the idea that good conversation is organic, uncensored, revelatory, and free to go down unexpected paths with unconventional people.


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