Tale of Two Zebras

Tale of Two Zebras

Ann aka ModernWinning & Amberlyn aka Mrs. Labeezy

Welcome and Thank you for joining us. We are not doctors and we do not give medical advice. We DO share our personal experiences good and bad and what has worked for us. Why do we call ourselves Zebras? Good Question. When medical students are learning how to diagnosis patients in general, they are taught to think of the most common reason for the illness. The rare diseases are just that, rare. So if it looks like a horse, it's most likely a horse. BUT, there are rare illnesses out there. They are the Zebras. Both Amberlyn and Ann have the hypermobile type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). There are 13 subtypes. You can learn more by visiting the Ehlers-Danlos Society website: https://www.ehlers-danlos.com.

Ehlers-Danlos affects every system and part of the body. Patients are often sick and see many specialists. That is where the Tale of Two Zebras comes in. Amberlyn and Ann share the EDS diagnosis and several comorbidities but their paths to diagnosis and with treatment are very different.

With such different experiences, we hope we can relate to a large and diverse number of other Zebras and offer an understanding community.

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Tale of Two Zebras?

There are 84 episodes avaiable of Tale of Two Zebras.

What is Tale of Two Zebras about?

We have categorized Tale of Two Zebras as:

  • Education
  • Society & Culture
  • Personal Journals
  • Self-Improvement

Where can you listen to Tale of Two Zebras?

Tale of Two Zebras is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Tale of Two Zebras start?

The first episode of Tale of Two Zebras that we have available was released 3 August 2022.

Who creates the podcast Tale of Two Zebras?

Tale of Two Zebras is produced and created by Ann aka ModernWinning & Amberlyn aka Mrs. Labeezy.