One Night Stand

One Night Stand

Social Studies · 2025-02-03

In this episode Joe and Gaspare discuss being famous parents before diving into a wild fan email about a forbidden one-night stand with a firefighter, and read some intriguing emails about unexpected mishaps.

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Social Studies

Comedians Joe Dombrowski (former elementary school teacher) and co-host Gaspare Randazzo (current high school teacher) discuss the chaotic life in and out of the classroom, the nuances of parenting toddlers, and pretty much all things millennial. Each episode is different. Sometimes they'll bring you a Hollywood guest such as comedian Anjelah Reyes-Johnson or renowned School Psychologist Dr.Jody Carrington. Sometimes they might read emails from fans, riffing on their unbelievable, real life, classroom stories. Other times they might argue over the most realistic conspiracy theories. You never know!

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