The Haunted Haunted House

The Haunted Haunted House

Spooked · 2024-09-20

Aspiring filmmaker Chase finds the perfect place to shoot his horror film... the Arx Mortis Haunted House. But beware: inside this Halloween attraction, not all of the scares are fake.

Thank you, Chase Barnett, for sharing your story with Spooked! Check out Chase’s podcast Holed Up.

Produced by Erick Yáñez, original score by Nicholas Marks, artwork by Teo Ducot

Spooked has a Youtube Channel! Subscribe now for a new scary story each week.

Happy Spooky Season Spooky PPL!


Spooked features true-life supernatural stories, told firsthand by people who can barely believe it happened themselves. Be afraid. Created in the dark of night, by the creators of Snap Judgment in partnership with KQED & PRX. It is hosted by Glynn Washington. Episodes drop every week on Friday! Spooked is available for free on ALL podcast platforms. Featuring brand NEW stories -- along with episodes previously available only by subscription. For Luminary subscribers, previously released episodes are still on Luminary.

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