Night Dancers

Night Dancers

Spooked · 2025-01-24

In a quiet Ugandan village, Jocelyn waits for her older siblings to sneak back from a forbidden disco, only to hear a sinister night dancer casting enchantments outside her home. When illness strikes her brother, Jocelyn’s family decides to take matters into their own hands.

Thank you so much, Jocelyn, for sharing your family’s story.

Produced by Anne Ford, original score by Clay Xavier, scouted and narrated by Lulu Jemimah, artwork by Teo Ducot.


Spooked features true-life supernatural stories, told firsthand by people who can barely believe it happened themselves. Be afraid. Created in the dark of night, by the creators of Snap Judgment in partnership with KQED & PRX. It is hosted by Glynn Washington. Episodes drop every week on Friday! Spooked is available for free on ALL podcast platforms. Featuring brand NEW stories -- along with episodes previously available only by subscription. For Luminary subscribers, previously released episodes are still on Luminary.

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