High Powered Couples Lessons from the Life of Lucy and Desi

High Powered Couples Lessons from the Life of Lucy and Desi

Sex and Happiness · 2022-08-09

After watching Lucy and Desi, the Amy Poehler-directed documentary about Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, Laurie and Michael examine some of the parallels in their own lives and the importance of finding a way to be together even if that means working together. It’s a cautionary tale. Check out our discussion about this here:

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Sex and Happiness

Dive into a world where a life of amazing sex is just around the corner and happiness is available to everyone! Join Laurie Handlers and her partner Michael Gibson as they explore life from every angle — rediscovering hot sex with your spouse, deepening intimacy after having children, talking to your kids about sex and to your partner about extraordinary love – and learning, asking, chatting about, and most of all, having great sex. You deserve to share real intimacy and to experience real happiness. That’s why you absolutely must listen to Laurie and Michael every week! Check out Laurie’s book, Sex And Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy!

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