Raqi’s Secret Files

Raqi’s Secret Files

Love Radio Manila
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The program reflects various realities of the world that may create a sense of belonging, relatability, and controversies. Raqi’s Secret files was inspired by the trend “confession” pages on Facebook. We’ve seen that there is a huge buzz created by these confessions — from its contributors all the way to its community. We’ve thought of carrying that trend from online to on-air, retaining the same level of anonymity, giving the story a voice. Listeners who desire to relieve a bit of their burden are encouraged to send their stories, making the program, Raqi’s Secret Files a safe haven to tell their secrets.

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Raqi’s Secret Files?

What is Raqi’s Secret Files about?

Where can you listen to Raqi’s Secret Files?

When did Raqi’s Secret Files start?

Who creates the podcast Raqi’s Secret Files?