10: "A psychology degree can offer so much" A-level students Q&A"

10: "A psychology degree can offer so much" A-level students Q&A"

Psychology: Let's Get To Clinical · 2020-08-17

Mark, Leanna Ong (Trainee Clinical Psychologist) & Kate Knott (Assistant Psychologist) the current Co-Chairs of the British Psychological Society's Pre-Qualification Group answer questions from A-level students about the journey towards training in clinical psychology. Everything from "how do you deal with failure" to "how much do you get paid" is covered!

If you would like your question discussed on a future podcast - drop us a tweet @GetToClinical

Psychology: Let's Get To Clinical

A podcast which seeks to enrich the journey for anybody working towards a career in clinical psychology. Q&A and topics. Hosted by @MarkGuyers & @BethRoseMar. Follow us on Twitter for updates @GetToClinical. Enjoy the podcast!

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