Episode #219- Who Was the Real Mulan?

Episode #219- Who Was the Real Mulan?

Our Fake History · 2025-01-15

The story of Mulan might be the best known piece of Chinese folklore. In China the story has been around for over 1500 years and has inspired dozens of poems, songs, plays, and films. Thanks to Disney, Mulan has become an international icon. The story of a young girl disguising herself as a male soldier to save her father from the military draft has proved to be surprisingly sturdy. However, many in China have complained that western adaptations of the tale misunderstand the source material. Some wonder if western creators are capable of capturing the "real" Mulan. This raises the question: is there a real Mulan? Is one version of this story more authoritative than another? Was there a real person who inspired this legend? Tune-in and find out how teenage siege-breakers, army buddies, and flexible Confucians all play a role in the story.

Our Fake History

A podcast about myths we think are history and history that might be hidden in myths! Awesome stories that really (maybe) happened!

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