Episode #214- Have We Misremembered the Gunpowder Plot? (Part II)

Episode #214- Have We Misremembered the Gunpowder Plot? (Part II)

Our Fake History · 2024-11-06

Trying to come an "objective" understanding of the 1605 Gunpowder Plot has proved difficult for historians. From the the outset the facts of the case were distorted to help serve the political interests of powerful English ministers. The details were massaged so that a group of Jesuits could be framed as the masterminds. But, if the authorities were lying about the Jesuits, what else might they have been lying about? Was the Gunpowder Plot actually a false flag operation cooked up by members of King James' inner-circle? Have revelers on bonfire night been celebrating a lie... or is something more complicated going on? Tune-in and find out how Satan's imps, English Mardi Gras, and the Guilford Guys all play a role in the story.

Our Fake History

A podcast about myths we think are history and history that might be hidden in myths! Awesome stories that really (maybe) happened!

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