Nashville Anthems: Dissecting 80s & 90s Country Music

Nashville Anthems: Dissecting 80s & 90s Country Music

Melton McMaynerbury

Have you always thought there was something special about 80s and 90s country music that you've never been able to put your finger on? Why does this music stand out? Well, let's don our cowboy hats, adjust our oversized belt buckles, tease that hair, and see if we can get the bottom of it, by picking apart one song at a time.

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Nashville Anthems: Dissecting 80s & 90s Country Music?

There are 71 episodes avaiable of Nashville Anthems: Dissecting 80s & 90s Country Music.

What is Nashville Anthems: Dissecting 80s & 90s Country Music about?

We have categorized Nashville Anthems: Dissecting 80s & 90s Country Music as:

  • Music
  • Music Commentary

Where can you listen to Nashville Anthems: Dissecting 80s & 90s Country Music?

Nashville Anthems: Dissecting 80s & 90s Country Music is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Nashville Anthems: Dissecting 80s & 90s Country Music start?

The first episode of Nashville Anthems: Dissecting 80s & 90s Country Music that we have available was released 24 January 2022.

Who creates the podcast Nashville Anthems: Dissecting 80s & 90s Country Music?

Nashville Anthems: Dissecting 80s & 90s Country Music is produced and created by Melton McMaynerbury.