מדיטציה קצרה

מדיטציה קצרה

Meditations by Ofer Shani · 2025-01-02

חמש עשרה דקות של תרגול בישיבה שקטה.

שיר סיום מאת The Beatles.

למיקסטייפ המלא | To full mixtape

מדיטציה זו הוקלטה בשידור חי בזום באהנגמה, סרי לנקה בתאריך 2 בינואר 2025

אם אתם מכירים מישהו שיכול להפיק תועלת מהמדיטציה הזו, אנא העבירו אותה הלאה.


קבוצת וואטסאפ שקטה בה אני שולח הקלטות והזמנות לתרגולים שבועיים בזום

ארכיון מתעדכן של מדיטציות לפי נושאים ומצבים בספוטיפיי

ערוץ היוטיוב שלי, עם ארכיון תרגולים בוידאו

עופר ✨

About this podcast

Practice and frequency for vibration management ///////////////// Free guided meditations for the benefit of all. New meditation every Tuesday ///////////////// Ofer Shani is a Tech entrepreneur and Meditation coach from Tel Aviv, Israel ///////////////// His sessions are unique and combine music with teachings of Mindfulness, Zen, Shamanism, Quantum physics and Neuroscience ///////////////// Linktree https://linktr.ee/ofershani

An important notice

This podcast celebrates music as a tool for transformation and well being.
Each episode’s description includes a link to a dedicated mixtape with all the tracks played during the meditations.
If you don't want your music to be played here - please contact us oshani@gmail.com

Meditations by Ofer Shani

Practice and frequency for vibration management ///////////////// Free guided meditations for the benefit of all. New meditation every Tuesday ///////////////// Ofer Shani is a Tech entrepreneur and Meditation coach from Tel Aviv, Israel ///////////////// His sessions are unique and combine music with teachings of Mindfulness, Zen, Shamanism, Quantum physics and Neuroscience ///////////////// Linktree https://linktr.ee/ofershani ///////////////// An important notice: this podcast celebrates music as a tool for transformation and well being - and wish to spread the tracks played in each meditation as much as possible.Each episode’s description showcases the list of artists and pieces played - and includes links to a full playlist to listen to on Spotify. If you wouldn't want your music to be played here - Please contact us oshani@gmail.com

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