93 | Voted Most Unlikely to Succeed With Leah Yard

93 | Voted Most Unlikely to Succeed With Leah Yard

Lets Not Sugarcoat It · 2024-10-23

Leah is a jewelry designer, business owner, and podcast host.

From living on an isolated lighthouse island as a child, to dropping out of high school and working entry-level jobs for over a decade, to accidentally becoming an entrepreneur: her story is far from glamorous. Leah launched her jewellery brand Leah Yard Designs in 2013. She constantly felt like an imposter in an industry that values prestige and glamour. Because of this, she now proudly shares her story on the Voted Least Likely Podcast. Her mission is to demystify what it takes to be successful and push past our own limiting

In this episode we ‘get into it’ with Leah about:

Living off-grid as a childHer work ethicGoing from high school dropout to thriving entrepreneurValues and how they guide usTrusting our intuition Redefining what it means to be successful, and so much more!

Follow Leah on her business or personal website or on her business or personal IG.

Lets Not Sugarcoat It

Welcome to Let's Not Sugarcoat It, a podcast about the real, raw and unfiltered side of life. Your hosts Alex and Bella are funny and unfiltered entrepreneurs who aren't afraid to ask the hard questions with engaging conversations about marriage, business, kids, sex and more. Join the conversation every Wednesday for high-energy banter, interviews and shenanigan's! Get ready to peel back the curtain and remove the sugarcoating on the "Perfect" life.

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