How we landed in Sports Illustrated | Episode 001

How we landed in Sports Illustrated | Episode 001

Less Than Perfection · 2023-05-01

In our very first episode, we share our shared personal journey in competitive swimming, a journey that landed us in a Sports Illustrated article. What started with our respective summer league teams that led up through collegiate swimming, and ultimately an opportunity to represent our country on the United States National team, we share the highs, lows, successes and failures from our swimming career. But ultimately, through our experiences in competitive athletics, we share some of the things we learned, that it's not just about winning or losing, but the journey that matters most.

Less Than Perfection

Many of us strive for more and work for what might be, but never stop to reflect on how far we’ve come; we never stop to celebrate our win’s. Success starts with trying, accepting failure, and realizing that life is a journey, where it’s ok to achieve something less than perfection. After over 20 national and international titles, American, US Open and World Records, after two kids, a homestead, a successful real estate investment business, when will we acknowledge that we are good enough? Come join our story, as we embrace our life of ’ish.

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