Career Coaching - JobWinner Training Program
Philip CalodoukasJobWinner is a self-paced video training program for business professionals at all levels from any sector or discipline; anyone looking for new employment, or seeking to improve their employment situation.Packed with more than 20+ years of frontline experience from one of Australia's leading executive recruiters & career coaches, the JobWinner content has been developed from critiques of thousands of hiring managers from the most prestigious and sought-after employers. This end-to-end video training program covers every aspect of the recruitment process: from sending in compelling job applications and presenting standout job interviews, to negotiating the most competitive salary. Essentially, JobWinner is a one-stop-shop for everything you need to know about getting a great new job. Participating in this course will revolutionise your entire approach to make you a JobWinner.Episodes of the JobWinner podcast are excerpts from the original JobWinner video training program. For further career coaching and job-seeker training, visit: more free content by Philip Calodoukas, the Creator of JobWinner, visit: