S5E6 - Cali Tucker and JD Shelburne

S5E6 - Cali Tucker and JD Shelburne

Good Questions...with Cameron Dole · 2024-06-24

In this episode, we visit with rising country singer Cali Tucker along with country singer-songwriter and long-time friend of the show JD Shelburne. We'll also take a look at some stats for your upcoming Independence Day travels, see that there's actually a country trying to make it illegal for politicians to lie, and our episode's "Stupid Criminal File".

Cali tells us about her musical upbringing and path it took to get here today. She also talks about the role Vegas has played in her musical and fashion styling - matching with her single "Country Couture". Find out more about her music, show dates, and more at calitucker.com

Friend of the show JD Shelburne comes on to tell us about his new single "Cars and Trucks"...the release, the response, the video. JD also talks about how this second single off his "Neon Hallelujah" has continued his growth on all the platforms, and how special his relationship with his fans truly is. Find out more about his music, merch, socials and more at jdshelburne.com

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Good Questions...with Cameron Dole

I started this podcast to share a few of my radio interviews with friends, family, and listeners. The show has grown and expanded with more guests, especially authors and musical artists. I look forward to the new guests and friendships made - as we share some amazing groups, individuals, and even some legends of the crafts!

Do you have a guest idea? Email me at GQwithCam@gmail.com and I'll try to make that happen!

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