40 - Quarter Life Crises, Intentional Dating, and Being Good in Bed

40 - Quarter Life Crises, Intentional Dating, and Being Good in Bed

Drinks First · 2023-09-19

This week our guest (F, 27, Bi, Nolita) and I talk about how dating changes after 25, which dating apps are worth our time, what makes someone good in bed, and giving people outside our norms a chance.

To match with our guest, please go to @drinks.first on instagram or flow.page/drinksfirst

Drinks First

A dating podcast about NYC's kinda eligible.If interested in matching with a podcast guest/ have any feedback please DM @drinks.first on instagram or email drinksfirstpodcast@gmail.com. You can find the matching form on flow.page/drinksfirst.

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