Demp's Absolute Sh*t Show · 2024-02-22

Join Demps on his latest episode of Sh*tshow on Hooche featuring LAKEVIEW, the country duo that brings a unique blend of rock and country. Jesse Denaro and Luke Healy share their journey from metal bands to forming LAKEVIEW, with hits like "Poor Me" and "Eyes Closed" highlighting their party spirit and reflective side. Their music, influenced by country legends and modern stars, showcases their diverse backgrounds and passion for country music. Dive into their story, music, and what makes them stand out in the country scene​​​​​​.

Demp's Absolute Sh*t Show

The queen of country music culture and mouth of the south brings you her absolutely insane podcast, "Demp's Absolute Sh*t Show"; Featuring musical guests, celebrities, comedians and random farm animals.

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