3 Unexpected Mindsets for Growth

3 Unexpected Mindsets for Growth

Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast · 2024-09-05

Any wrong mindsets you adopt early in leadership can actually hold you back later. The best leaders replace some of their early mindsets with new, counterintuitive ways of thinking. In this episode, I share three adjustments that will help you grow.

Watch video and download the leader guide: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/3-unexpected-mindsets-for-growth/

Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

The Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast offers personal, practical coaching lessons that take the mystery out of leadership. In each episode of the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast, Craig brings you empowering insights and easy-to-understand takeaways you can use to lead yourself and lead your team. You’ll learn effective ways to grow as a leader, optimize your time, develop your team, and structure your organization.

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