Business Beyond Borders - A Podcast by Bluente
BluenteWelcome to Business Beyond Borders, a podcast that explores the importance of international experiences in today’s working world.
This podcast is brought to you by Bluente, the world’s first business language services platform. We aim to connect professionals across the globe, one conversation at a time.
Join us as we engage with senior leaders from various industries ranging from legal to finance and many more, who will share insider tips for navigating global markets in their industry.
From multilingual entrepreneurs to savvy lawyers, our guests share their firsthand experiences and practical insights on building global networks and seizing international opportunities.
Get ready to expand your horizons and propel your career to new heights.
This podcast is brought to you by Bluente.Bluente is the world’s first business language services platform. We built a document translation tool where you get your translated documents in less than 2 minutes, retaining the same format of your file. Try it now at We also we teach business languages (CN, ID, EN, ES) tailored for professionals through our mobile and web app. Find out more here: