Book Talk for BookTok

Book Talk for BookTok


Have you ever binge-read a new favorite series, only to end up with a book-hangover? Or finished a heart-stopping scene only to look around and not be able to talk to anyone about it? Maybe you’ve even felt embarrassed about what you’re reading because it isn’t considered a “classic” by people you know. Book Talk for BookTok with Jac and Amy is the go-to literary podcast to discuss your favorite novels with your newest book-besties. They use their literary backgrounds to analyze what makes these stories so special and why the writing resonates with readers. Join them in taking modern women-written books seriously.

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Book Talk for BookTok?

There are 245 episodes avaiable of Book Talk for BookTok.

What is Book Talk for BookTok about?

We have categorized Book Talk for BookTok as:

  • Arts
  • Fiction
  • Books

Where can you listen to Book Talk for BookTok?

Book Talk for BookTok is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Book Talk for BookTok start?

The first episode of Book Talk for BookTok that we have available was released 22 February 2022.

Who creates the podcast Book Talk for BookTok?

Book Talk for BookTok is produced and created by Cloud10.