I’m a Doctor. ChatGPT’s Bedside Manner Is Better Than Mine. (#223)

I’m a Doctor. ChatGPT’s Bedside Manner Is Better Than Mine. (#223)

3 Takeaways · 2024-11-12

For better and for worse, artificially intelligent communication is inexorably making its way into medical care. How will this affect the doctor-patient relationship? Can AI convey human empathy and emotion? What will the impact be on your health? According to Dr. Jon Reisman, there’s no turning back. Listen, and learn what the future will hold.

3 Takeaways

3 Takeaways features insights from the world’s best thinkers, business leaders, writers, politicians, scientists and other newsmakers. Each episode ends with 3 key takeaways to help you understand the world in new ways that can benefit your life and career. Hosted by Lynn Thoman.

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